About ManageClubMerch (MCM)

ManageClubMerch grew out of a problem faced by my club* and almost all Community based Sporting Clubs, Associations  and Not For Profits – and it doesn’t matter the activity or country the problem is everywhere.

Managing a Clubs Apparel  and Merchandise is a never ending problem. It chews up endless volunteer hours and dollars and never gives the Clubs the result they want. Apparel sits in boxes somewhere out the back of the Club, often neglected - money in a box. 

Merchandise manufacturers require significant  order quantities before a product run,  full payment is required before forwarding the order.  Club's try  to keep track of individual orders and payments. Often inventory and payments, are lost track of with wrong items going to members and there is the usual stock “shrinkage”.

Clubs finish up with odd lots of apparel from previous orders  they have to do something with, long and uncertain delivery times and generally unhappy members.

There has to be a better way.

Being a technology nerd, I started to think of a smarter way to manage Club/Associations uniforms, apparel and merchandise and turn it from a constant drain on Club finances and volunteer resources and make it into a net revenue source and  freeing  up club volunteers.

I think I’ve found a better way,

Clubs will sell more apparel and merchandise quicker and easier providing a better service to members and supporters.

  • ManageClubMerch (MCM) provides a professional service to Clubs and Associations to safely store and manage their apparel, provide a Club branded comprehensive and flexible ecommerce store open 24/365 days a year.
  • Clubs use their apparel provider of choice, choose their own designs and direct their order to MCM's secure warehouse and fulfillment centre.
  • Clubs set their own price on each item, MCM charges a small margin which can be passed on to purchaser, shared 50/50 with the purchaser or absorbed by the Club .
  • Purchasers select and pay for  their items  taking advantage of great freight prices and world class delivery times direct to their door.
  • Clubs get their funds quickly transferred direct to their account along with a full audit trail of exactly what has been purchased by whom and for how much along with inventory.
  • Payments accepted from common  gateways at low cost.
  • Costs are spread across many Clubs, keeping item them low.
  • All the apparel is safely secured and insured .
  • Minimal volunteer time requirement.
  • Club control of inventory, prices and suppliers.
  • Clubs can source apparel and merchandise from more than one supplier and have it all listed on their site.
  • Gift vouchers, out of season sales, preorder, subscriptions and promotions all available.
  • Can do event ticketing.
  • Use to collect annual and weekly/monthly subs.
  • Club is highly organised efficient and providing great service to its members and supporters.
For Club members and supporters, it’s a way better experience. 
  • It's easy and quick.
  • Fits in with your busy schedule.
  • Flexible and efficient.
  • Apparel delivered direct to door.
  • No order stuff ups.

Apparel Manufactures can focus on what they do best, creating great club wear, reducing costs, generate larger more frequent orders with better margins and better Customer Service and a stronger brand.

  • Continue to maintain and develop relationships with your customers without having to get caught up providing an  eCommerce solution for purchasers who are not your direct customers (non core activity).
  • Our core business is building and running ecommerce shops and we know sports.
  • Streamline the relationship with Clubs reducing time consuming meetings/phone calls and endless clarifications so you can focus on what you do best. No need to be concerned with collecting, managing and then forwarding Club’s margin.
  • No picking and packing and bagging up individual orders – all you need to do is send club bulk orders to one central point.
  • No need to maintain your own ecommerce shop, immediately better margins!!
  • Clubs can continue to sell during out of “window” periods, meaning more apparel sold and more frequent larger orders for manufacturers.
  • System wide near real time information on what Club members are actually buying (or not) as well as upcoming sales -  leads to better planning, decision making and forward ordering.
  • Your products will always be well looked after and presented to the end consumer in the best possible condition – building your brand.
  • Scales really well as Apparel Manufacturers pay a small per item fee on sold items to club members.

ManageClubMerch is a win for everybody.

Shoot me an email below for more info or any questions.

In Sport,


 *Mont Albert Cricket Club